DOECAP Analytical Services Program Workshop
Michelle Briscoe, BRL’s President/CEO and Jamie Fox, BRL’s new Technical Sales Manager, will be headed to Charleston, South Carolina, September 14-17, to attend the Department of Energy Consolidated Audit Program (DOECAP) Analytical Services Program Workshop. Ms. Briscoe will be presenting a talk at the workshop on the topic of Methods for the Analysis and Speciation of Mercury. BRL is a DOECAP-audited laboratory available to perform specialty trace metals analytical services at all US DOE sites and maintains a current Radioactive Materials License. Contact us for more info!
AOAC International Annual MeetingJoin Michelle Briscoe and Russ Gerads, BRL’s Business Development Director, at the AOAC 129th Annual Meeting & Exposition in Los Angeles, California, September 27-30. Ms. Briscoe will be chairing the session Analysis of Metals and Metals Speciation in Food on September 28th, and Mr. Gerads will be presenting a platform presentation in this session titled, “Analysis of Wine for the Characterization of Inorganic Arsenic and Metalloid Compounds”. Ms. Briscoe will be presenting a poster on September 29th titled, “Determination of Heavy Metals in Food: AOAC First Action Method 2015.01,” as well as chairing the meeting of the Metals Subgroup of the AOAC Contaminants Community. The full preliminary program for the conference can be viewed online. If you would like to arrange a meeting with either attendee during this conference, please contact us.