206-632-6206 info@brooksapplied.com

Many of our clients have no idea that BAL supports human diagnostic testing, specifically research related to patients that have undergone arthroplasty surgery (such as hip replacement). On May 9-10, one of our scientists, Russell Gerads, presented two invited lectures at the ASTM Symposium “Beyond the Implant: Retrieval Analysis Methods for Implant Surveillance” in Toronto: Characterization of Cobalt in Periprosthetic Tissues and Fluids: Toxicological and Clinical Importance of Standardizing Quality Analytical Methods for Differentiating Cobalt Partitioning at the Molecular Level and Total Elemental Analyses of Biological Fluids – Variables and Data Concerns. These presentations focused on the concerns regarding total cobalt and chromium in human biological fluids, as well as the patented BAL Reflexive Test to measure an individual’s inherent cobalt detoxification capacity before an arthroplasty surgery is even performed. Contact us today to identify how partnering with BAL can make both you and your team ready to tackle the complex challenges of the twenty-first century.