Michelle Briscoe, President/CEO of BAL, presented last month at a Congressional Briefing for the bi-partisan and bi-cameral Congressional Chemistry Caucus as part of a contingent from the American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL). The theme of the briefing was “Protecting Public Health, Safety, and the Environment: Independent Testing Laboratories and the Federal Government”. Ms. Briscoe, pictured with the moderator of the briefing, Dr. Joel Creswell, legislative aid for Rep. Lipinski (D-IL), discussed the role independent specialty laboratories play supporting governmental agencies and cutting-edge research. She provided diverse examples of how BAL was working with the EPA on method development and the FDA on characterization of toxic compounds in food, as well as how BAL supports the FDA-regulated biopharmaceutical industry through characterization of trace metals impacting commercial production of oncology drugs. Visit the BAL website for more information on any of these topics!