206-632-6206 info@brooksapplied.com

Brooks Applied Labs’ premise for environmental investigations identifies that marginal data quality and “accepted” methodologies can only provide a rudimentary representation of projected contaminant impacts on flora and fauna. True risk assessment and site interpretation necessitates qualitative and quantitative identification of the specific contaminants of interest accompanied by characterization of the contaminants’ environment.

Analytical and professional services offered by Brooks Applied Labs (BAL) can support all phases of contaminant investigations associated with trace metals. From regulatory compliance monitoring to bench scale treatability studies, BAL scientists can support all of your analytical needs. We continually invest in some of the most advanced technologies available to the scientific community to stay one step ahead of any issues that can impact your project.

Our advanced analytical services set us apart from other routine environmental labs, to help you meet your goals for even the most challenging environmental testing projects.

Brooks Applied Labs offers ultra-low detection limits on:


Request a quote for your project today or Contact Us to get a customized list of our current MDL/MRL’s for your project.

Environmental News

BAL Road Warriors Are Not Done Yet: NWEC and POWER-GEN International

Elizabeth Madonick and Ben Wozniak will be heading down to Portland, OR on Dec. 5-6 to attend the Northwest Environmental Conference. As the region's largest environmental conference and trade show, NWEC is the "go-to" event for environmental professionals in the...

Supporting Arsenic Chemistry at AOAC and NW Remediation Conferences

Brooks Applied Labs' scientists, Ben Wozniak and Russell Gerads, recently presented at the AOAC Annual Meeting and Northwest Remediation Conference, respectively. The focus of their presentations was on arsenic chemistry in consumptive products and in the environment....

On the Road Again: SETAC & IWC

The International Water Conference (IWC) is the world’s premier conference for understanding and dealing with the technical and business challenges of industrial water treatment, presenting the latest in scientific advances and practical applications at its 5-day...

Mercury (Hg) Isotope Ratio Testing

Brooks Applied Labs (BAL) currently offers mercury (Hg) stable isotope ratio testing for environmental forensic studies. Mercury has a unique isotopic pattern and small differences in the ratios of these isotopes can help in identification of the source, transport,...

Where are BAL Road Warriors Headed Next?

Conference season has kicked back into high gear and the BAL road warriors are dusting off their suitcases! As you can see by the list of conferences, BAL is much more than an environmental laboratory - from power plants to Department of Energy (DOE) to...