More than 2300 scientists, assessors, regulators, and managers will gather to share and discuss emerging research, regulatory developments, and the latest methodologies in environmental toxicology and chemistry at the SETAC North America 35th Annual Meeting. Tiffany Stilwater (BRL Client Services Manager), Elizabeth Madonick (BRL Technical Sales Specialist), and Ian Joslin (BRL Metals Chemist), will be heading up to Vancouver, BC, to attend this busy and exciting meeting being held November 9-13, 2014.
We don’t let our Metals Chemists out much, so come by introduce yourself to Ian on Tuesday morning (November 11th) as he presents his poster on “Potential Bias in Arsenic Speciation Results for Tissues Prepared by EPA Method 1632”. You can also come by the booth of our sister company, Brooks Rand Instruments (booth #218) to say hello, or contact us before the event to set up a meeting.