206-632-6206 info@brooksapplied.com

Microplastics Testing Services

Person holding a test tube sample displaying tiny particles of plastic inside.Microplastics are small plastic particles of less than 5 mm in length that are found throughout the environment (including in water, air, and soil), in food and feed and even within living organisms. They can come from the breakdown of larger plastic items or be intentionally manufactured for use in products like cosmetics and cleaning supplies. Although the effects of microplastics on human health are still largely unknown, they have also been found in human blood, organs, and even breast milk, raising concerns about potential health impacts.

Our Services

Brooks Applied Labs has developed MP testing with a primary focus on:

    • Environmental monitoring: Analysis of microplastics in surface waters, sediments, and other environmental matrices.
    • Food and beverage testing: Detection and quantification of microplastics in food products and drinking water.

The ability to provide expedited data on size, shape, and polymer type in a single analysis allows the industry to efficiently monitor the changes in MP within the process – from source to finished products.

Computer monitor showing data from LDIR instrument.
Testing Methodology – Laser Direct Infrared Imaging(LDIR)

  • LDIR is an advanced analytical technique that can detect, quantify and characterize microplastics in environmental, food and beverage samples.
  • Our high throughput MP testing services provide particle counts, polymer identification and particle size. This information allows our clients to make informed decisions about their process and potential sources of MPs.
  • LDIR allows for rapid, automated analysis of microplastic particles, significantly reducing analysis time compared to traditional techniques.


For project inquiries, applicability of methodologies, and pricing information feel free to contact us.