Trace Clean Sampling is the implementation of EPA Method 1669, also known as “Clean Hands/Dirty Hands”, sample collection procedures in concurrence with EPA 1600-series analytical methods for low-level metals and metals speciation. During the development of these methods, the EPA found that one of the greatest difficulties in obtaining reliably accurate data for metals at low-level concentrations was due to sample contamination. Therefore, samples to be analyzed by any of the low-level metals 1600-series analytical methods must also be collected according to the procedures described in EPA Method 1669. EPA Method 1669 requires special procedures to minimize and monitor for contamination, including the use of ultra-clean pre-tested sample collection containers and other field-sampling equipment, a two-person sample collection procedure (“clean hands/dirty hands”), and the collection of field quality control samples (equipment blanks, field blanks, field duplicates, etc.).
For a detailed overview of EPA Method 1669 “Clean Hands/Dirty Hands” download our Environmental Sampling for Low Level Trace Metals informational brochure.
Find out more about our EPA Method 1669 “Clean Hands/Dirty Hands” clean sampling training and consulting provided by our experienced sampling consultants!