At the National Environmental Monitoring Conference (NEMC) in New Orleans last month, two of our BAL scientists presented in the session "Metals and Metals Speciation Analysis of Environmental Samples". Annie Carter's presentation focused on the...

At the National Environmental Monitoring Conference (NEMC) in New Orleans last month, two of our BAL scientists presented in the session "Metals and Metals Speciation Analysis of Environmental Samples". Annie Carter's presentation focused on the...
At this year's National Environmental Monitoring Conference, BAL's Vice President, Annie Carter will be chairing two sessions on "Metals and Metals Speciation Analysis in Environmental Samples." The conference will take place August 6th - 10th in New Orleans, LA, and...
Most regulations – whether for the environmental, pharmaceutical, or consumer product sectors – are based on the total concentration of an element present in a given sample. Many regulatory bodies and standards organizations have promulgated methods to support...
The better question is, “Where are we not at this month?” Russ Gerads kicks things off in New Orleans where he is presenting on “Arsenic Speciation in Rice Products” at the ACS National Meeting & Expo on Sunday, 3/18. He then hops on a plane to meet up with Jamie...
Interest in the forms of arsenic in food and beverage products containing rice has significantly increased recently due to the amount of information available to the public regarding the carcinogenicity and ubiquitous nature of certain arsenic molecules. Application...
In December 2017, The New York Times (and featured in the February 2018 ACIL Industry Insights (American Council of Independent Laboratories)) highlighted an important study by Healthy Babies Bright Futures (HBBF) which explored the topic, "Should You...
Contamination from trace metals, such as arsenic (As) and lead (Pb) in soils, can lead to potential health risks from inhalation and ingestion of the soil or vegetables grown in the soil. While it is well known that different molecular forms of As and Pb have...
Brooks Applied Labs' scientists, Ben Wozniak and Russell Gerads, recently presented at the AOAC Annual Meeting and Northwest Remediation Conference, respectively. The focus of their presentations was on arsenic chemistry in consumptive products and in the environment....
We hope you enjoyed your 4th of July! While watching those vivid colors explode against the dark sky, have you ever thought about what fireworks are made of? Many of the bright colors that make fireworks so exciting are actually derived from metals. For example, Paris...