206-632-6206 info@brooksapplied.com


The Importance of Clean Sampling Equipment

Accurate data is essential for effective decision-making. Whether evaluating if food or water is safe for consumption, a site requires environmental cleanup, an industrial wastewater meets a discharge requirement, or a pharmaceutical ingredient is of sufficient...

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ASTM Symposium – Beyond the Implant

Many of our clients have no idea that BAL supports human diagnostic testing, specifically research related to patients that have undergone arthroplasty surgery (such as hip replacement). On May 9-10, one of our scientists, Russell Gerads, presented two invited...

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Risk Management when Contracting Analytical Services

Effectively managing risk is critical to the success of any business and any project.  While the choice of analytical laboratory may be only one component of the overall risk associated with a given endeavor, it is an essential one because the data generated by...

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Bring your Kids to Work Day!

The BAL staff recently glimpsed the future during our 1st Annual Bring Your Kids to Work Day, when 10 children, ranging in age from 6 - 13, spent the day at BAL. The day began with collecting water samples at a nearby creek and their first lesson in "clean hands/dirty...

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